CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.0.5.


File Line
com\poscoict\glueframework\ucube4\activity\GlueMessageSender.java 59
com\poscoict\glueframework\ucube\activity\GlueMessageSender.java 49
        String brokerName = this.getProperty( "service-broker" );
        String interfaceName = this.getProperty( "interface-id" );
        String type = this.getProperty( "interface-type" ) == null ? "tc" : this.getProperty( "interface-type" );
        String message = this.getProperty( "message" );
        GlueUCubeManager sender = GlueStaticContext.getBeanFactory().getBeanObject( beanName, GlueUCubeManager.class );
        this.logger.info( "{} {}", type, message );
        if ( "tc".equalsIgnoreCase( type ) )
            Object tc = ctx.get( message );
            if ( tc instanceof String )
                this.logger.trace( "{} {} {}", brokerName, interfaceName, (String) tc );