CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.0.5.


File Line
com\poscoict\glueframework\batch\item\GlueCompositeCursorReader.java 60
com\poscoict\glueframework\batch\item\GlueCompositeFileReader.java 59
    public void setItemReaderList( List<AbstractCursorItemReader<?>> itemReaderList )
        this.itemReaderList = itemReaderList;

     * setter method for DI.
     * @param returnType
    public void setReturnType( String returnType )
        this.returnType = returnType;

    public void open( ExecutionContext executionContext ) throws ItemStreamException
        for ( ItemStream itemStream : itemReaderList )
            itemStream.open( executionContext );

    public void close() throws ItemStreamException
        for ( ItemStream itemStream : itemReaderList )

    public void update( ExecutionContext executionContext )
        for ( ItemStream itemStream : itemReaderList )
            itemStream.update( executionContext );

    public T read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException, ParseException, NonTransientResourceException
        Object[] items = new Object[itemReaderList.size()];

        int count = 0;
        int flagCount = 0;
        if ( returnType.toUpperCase().equals( "READER" ) )
            for ( AbstractCursorItemReader<?> itemReader : itemReaderList )