CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.0.5.


File Line
com\poscoict\glueframework\biz\activity\hbase\GlueHbaseFind.java 66
com\poscoict\glueframework\biz\activity\hbase\GlueHbaseSave.java 56
        String dao = this.getProperty( GlueActivityConstants.DAO );

        if ( dao == null )
            throw new GlueException( "check property 'dao'" );
        GlueHbaseDao hbaseDao = GlueStaticContext.getBeanFactory().getBeanObject( dao, GlueHbaseDao.class );

        String tableKey = this.getProperty( "table" );

        if ( tableKey == null )
            throw new GlueException( "check property 'table'" );

        String tableName = (String) ctx.get( tableKey );
        if ( tableName == null )
            tableName = tableKey;

        String family = this.getProperty( "family" );
        if ( family == null )
            family = "cfInfo";