Maven Sample Project

Setup Maven

  1. download maven

  2. unzip maven

  3. local repository 구성 : 아래 2가지 중 선택할 수 있습니다.

    • GlueSDK/script/maven-install.bat 를 실행해서 설치
      The GLUE_SDK_HOME evironment is not defined correctly
      This environment variable is needed to run this program
      Enter the path (ex. C:/GlueSDK-5.2.2) :
      The MVN_HOME evironment is not defined correctly
      This environment variable is needed to run this program
      Enter the path (ex. C:/apache-maven-3.6.3) :
      There are 3 types to install an externally created artifact into the local repository.
       - C : C(ompact), C(ore)
       - F : F(ull)
       - S : S(elect) on sequece
       - Q : Q(uit)
      Select type :
    • project의 pom.xml 에 repository 추가
      url(C:/eclipse/users/GlueSDK/repo/)로 지정된 위치는 GlueSDK_HOME/repo 의 절대경로이며, 하위 directory는 groupId, artifactId, version 정보를 포함합니다.
      <project . . .>
          . . .
          . . .