release history

Release History

Data format is : YYYY-MM-DD
Version format is : major.minor.patch

5.2.2 ( 2024-06-17 )

  1. Release Train Version Change

    • glue-xxx-5.2.1-RELEASE -> glue-xxx-5.2.2 형태로 변경
  2. JDK 버전 호환성을 위한 spring 버전업

    • spring 5.2.10 -> 5.3.31 버전업 ( JDK 8, JDK 11, JDK 17, JDK 21 and the Java EE 8 level )
  3. dependency 라이브러리 변경

    • gluestd dependency 변경

      • javaee-api 삭제
      • jaxb-runtime 추가
      • jakarta.activation 추가
      • jakarta.xml.bind-api 추가
      • jakarta.mail-api 추가
      • istack-commons-runtime 추가
      • txw2 추가
      • commons-codec 삭제
      • ehcache : 2.10.6 ->
      • slf4j-api : 1.7.36 -> 1.7.32
      • commons-lang3 : 3.11 -> 3.12.0
      • commons-dbcp2 : 2.8.0 -> 2.9.0
      • logback : 1.2.11 -> 1.2.13
      • sqlite-jdbc : 3.28.0 ->
    • gluestd_json dependency 변경

      • jackson-databind : 2.9.10 -> 2.13.5
    • gluestd_excel dependency 변경

      • poi : 3.17 -> 4.1.2
      • xmlbeans 추가
      • commons-collections4 추가
      • commons-compress 추가
    • gluestd_httpclient dependency 변경

      • commons-codec 추가
    • gluestd_mongodb dependency 변경

      • bson 추가
      • spring-data-mongodb : 3.0.5.RELEASE -> 3.4.18
      • mongodb-driver-sync : 4.0.5 -> 4.6.1
    • gluestd_redis dependency 변경

      • spring-data-redis : 2.3.5.RELEASE -> 2.7.18
      • jedis : 3.3.0 -> 3.8.0
  4. sample 프로젝트

    • maven-sample-mybatis 추가
    • glue-core 불필요 라이브러리 exclusion 추가 (pom.xml)
  5. GlueSDK/templateFolder/maven 수정

    • glue-core 불필요 라이브러리 exclusion 추가 (pom.xml)