Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
18 0 0 1258


Rule Violations Severity
  • allowLegacy: "true"
6  Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile 13  Error
Translation 0  Error
FileLength 0  Error
  • eachLine: "true"
0  Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
0  Error
JavadocMethod 94  Error
JavadocType 2  Error
JavadocVariable 44  Error
JavadocStyle 32  Error
ConstantName 0  Error
LocalFinalVariableName 0  Error
LocalVariableName 0  Error
MemberName 0  Error
MethodName 0  Error
PackageName 0  Error
ParameterName 0  Error
StaticVariableName 0  Error
TypeName 0  Error
AvoidStarImport 0  Error
IllegalImport 0  Error
RedundantImport 0  Error
UnusedImports 0  Error
LineLength 57  Error
MethodLength 0  Error
ParameterNumber 0  Error
EmptyForIteratorPad 0  Error
MethodParamPad 0  Error
NoWhitespaceAfter 2  Error
NoWhitespaceBefore 0  Error
OperatorWrap 0  Error
ParenPad 416  Error
TypecastParenPad 0  Error
WhitespaceAfter 2  Error
WhitespaceAround 0  Error
ModifierOrder 0  Error
RedundantModifier 0  Error
AvoidNestedBlocks 0  Error
EmptyBlock 0  Error
LeftCurly 143  Error
NeedBraces 1  Error
RightCurly 0  Error
AvoidInlineConditionals 0  Error
EmptyStatement 0  Error
EqualsHashCode 0  Error
HiddenField 36  Error
IllegalInstantiation 0  Error
InnerAssignment 0  Error
MagicNumber 257  Error
MissingSwitchDefault 0  Error
RedundantThrows 1  Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression 0  Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0  Error
DesignForExtension 86  Error
FinalClass 0  Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor 1  Error
InterfaceIsType 0  Error
VisibilityModifier 0  Error
ArrayTypeStyle 0  Error
FinalParameters 66  Error
TodoComment 0  Error
UpperEll 0  Error



Severity Message Line
 Error Missing file.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 21
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). 24
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
 Error Method 'setQueryKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 32
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 32
 Error Parameter queryKey should be final. 32
 Error 'queryKey' hides a field. 32
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 32
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 33
 Error Method 'setJdbcDao' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 37
 Error Parameter jdbcDao should be final. 37
 Error 'jdbcDao' hides a field. 37
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 37
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 38
 Error Method 'getAllAuthService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 44
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 48
 Error Expected an @return tag. 51
 Error Method 'getServiceAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 51
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 52
 Error Parameter roles should be final. 52
 Error Expected @param tag for 'roles'. 52
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 52
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 53
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 54
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 54
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 61
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 61
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 62
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 63
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 63
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 64
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 64
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 65
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 66
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 66
 Error Method 'loadResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 75
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 76
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 76
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 77
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 77
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 78
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 82
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 82
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 83
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 84
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 84
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 85
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 85
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 86
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 89
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 90
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 90
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 91
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 91
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 95
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). 96
 Error Method 'afterPropertiesSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 98
 Error Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 99
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 100
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 101
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 101
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 102
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 103
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 103


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 11
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 15
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 16
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 16
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20


Severity Message Line
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 19
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). 22
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
 Error Method 'setQueryKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 29
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 29
 Error Parameter queryKey should be final. 29
 Error 'queryKey' hides a field. 29
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 30
 Error Method 'setJdbcDao' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 34
 Error Parameter jdbcDao should be final. 34
 Error 'jdbcDao' hides a field. 34
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 34
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 35
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 39
 Error Expected an @return tag. 42
 Error Method 'getViewAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 43
 Error Parameter roles should be final. 43
 Error Expected @param tag for 'roles'. 43
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 43
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 44
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 45
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 46
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 50
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 53
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 53
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 54
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 55
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 56
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 56
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 57
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 58
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 58
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 62
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 62
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 63
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 65
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 65
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 66
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 68
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 68
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 69
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 70
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 70
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 70
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 70
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 71
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 76
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 76
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 77
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 78
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 78
 Error Method 'loadResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 86
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 88
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 89
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 90
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 90
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 91
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 94
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 94
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 95
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 96
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 96
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 96
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 97
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 97
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 98
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 101
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 101
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 102
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 102
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 106
 Error Method 'afterPropertiesSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 109
 Error Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 110
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 111
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 112
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 112
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 113
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 114
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 114


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 11
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 15
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 16
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 16
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18


Severity Message Line
 Error Missing file.
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 96). 19
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). 31
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 101). 33
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 33
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 33
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
 Error Method 'setGlueService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 41
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 41
 Error Parameter glueService should be final. 41
 Error 'glueService' hides a field. 41
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 41
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 42
 Error Method 'setResultKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 46
 Error Parameter resultKey should be final. 46
 Error 'resultKey' hides a field. 46
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 46
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 47
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 51
 Error Method 'loadResourceMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 55
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 92). 56
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 59
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 59
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 60
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 61
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 61
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 61
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). 62
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 62
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 62
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 64
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 64
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 64
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 64
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 65
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 118). 66
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 66
 Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 66
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 66
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 67
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 67
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 69
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 70
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 70
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 71
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 71
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 71
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 71
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 76
 Error Expected an @return tag. 79
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 80
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 82
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 82
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 83
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 83
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). 85
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 85
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 85
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 85
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 85
 Error Method 'getAllConfigAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 90
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 92
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 101). 95
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 95
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 95
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 97
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 97
 Error Method 'getAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 103
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 104
 Error Parameter object should be final. 104
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 104
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 105
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 106
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 106
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 106
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 101). 107
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 107
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 107
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 109
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 109
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 109
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 109
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 110
 Error Method 'supports' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 117
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 118
 Error Parameter clazz should be final. 118
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 118
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 119
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 120
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 120
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 123
 Error Method 'afterPropertiesSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 126
 Error Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 127
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 128


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 22
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 32
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 36
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 37
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). 38
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 38
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 38
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 39
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 41
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
 Error Method 'setCrc' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 48
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 48
 Error Parameter crc should be final. 48
 Error 'crc' hides a field. 48
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 48
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 49
 Error Method 'setServiceName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 53
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 53
 Error Parameter glueService should be final. 53
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 53
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 54
 Error Method 'setServiceAuthorityManagerId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 58
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 58
 Error Parameter serviceAuthorityManagerId should be final. 58
 Error 'serviceAuthorityManagerId' hides a field. 58
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 58
 Error Method 'setViewAuthorityManagerId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 63
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 63
 Error Parameter viewAuthorityManagerId should be final. 63
 Error 'viewAuthorityManagerId' hides a field. 63
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 63
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 64
 Error Method 'setUserName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 68
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 68
 Error Parameter userName should be final. 68
 Error 'userName' hides a field. 68
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 68
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 69
 Error Method 'setCrcName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 73
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 73
 Error Parameter crcName should be final. 73
 Error 'crcName' hides a field. 73
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 73
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 74
 Error Method 'loadUserByUsername' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 78
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). 79
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 79
 Error Parameter username should be final. 79
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 79
 Error Redundant throws: 'UsernameNotFoundException' is unchecked exception. 79
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 81
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 81
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 89
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 90
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 90
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 91
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 92
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 92
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 93
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 93
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 93
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 93
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 95
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 95
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 96
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 96
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 97
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 97
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). 99
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 99
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 99
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 99
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 99
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). 100
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 100
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 100
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 100
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 100
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 102
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 102
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 103
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 104
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 104
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 104
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 163). 108
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 108
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 108
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 109
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 109
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 110
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 111
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 111
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 175). 114
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 114
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 114
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 116
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 116
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 117
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 118
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 118
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 118
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 121
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 121
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 122
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 123
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 123
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 123
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 123
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 126
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 126
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 129
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 129
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 129
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 129
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 130
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 132
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 132
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 132
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 132
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 132
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 187). 137
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 137
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 137
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 138
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 138
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 139
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 139
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 140
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 140


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error Missing file.
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 15
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 21
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 25
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 26
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 27
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 27
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
 Error Method 'setRequestName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 34
 Error Parameter requestName should be final. 34
 Error 'requestName' hides a field. 34
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 34
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 35
 Error Method 'setUrlManagerId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 39
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 39
 Error Parameter urlManagerId should be final. 39
 Error 'urlManagerId' hides a field. 39
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 39
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 40
 Error Method 'setServiceManagerId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 44
 Error Parameter serviceManagerId should be final. 44
 Error 'serviceManagerId' hides a field. 44
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 44
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 45
 Error Method 'setViewManagerId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 49
 Error Parameter viewManagerId should be final. 49
 Error 'viewManagerId' hides a field. 49
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 49
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 50
 Error Method 'handleRequest' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 114). 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 55
 Error Parameter request should be final. 55
 Error Parameter response should be final. 55
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 57
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 57
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 58
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 58
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 60
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 60
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 62
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 63
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 63
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 63
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 63
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 64
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 65
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 65
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 145). 66
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 66
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 66
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 135). 67
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 67
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 67
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 69
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 69
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 70
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 71
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 71
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 165). 72
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 72
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 72
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 74
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 74
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 74
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 74
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 75
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 76
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 76
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 153). 77
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 77
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 77
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 80
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 83
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 83
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 84
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 85
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 85
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 88
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 88


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 13
 Error Method 'renderMergedOutputModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 14
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 146). 15
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 15
 Error Parameter model should be final. 15
 Error Parameter request should be final. 15
 Error Parameter response should be final. 15
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 15
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 17
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 17
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 19
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 19
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 21
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 21
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 21
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 21
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 21
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 21
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 21
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 21


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error Got an exception - java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/servlet/ServletException
 Error Missing file.
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 21
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 123). 27
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 30
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 31
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 32
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 32
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 32
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
 Error Method 'setServiceAuthorityManagerId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 35
 Error Parameter serviceAuthorityManagerId should be final. 35
 Error 'serviceAuthorityManagerId' hides a field. 35
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 35
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 132). 45
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). 47
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). 54
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 175). 66
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 73
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). 76
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 82
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 125). 88


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error Missing file.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 14
 Error Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 17
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 18
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 19
 Error Expected an @return tag. 22
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 23
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 26
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). 27
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 28
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 28
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 29
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 92). 30
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 30
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 30
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 30
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 30
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 36
 Error Expected an @return tag. 39
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 39
 Error Parameter checkService should be final. 39
 Error Expected @param tag for 'checkService'. 39
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 39
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 40
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 42
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 42
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 43
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 45
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 45
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 46
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 53
 Error Expected an @return tag. 56
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 56
 Error Parameter stringVal should be final. 56
 Error Expected @param tag for 'stringVal'. 56
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 56
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 57
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 3,101). 59
 Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 59
 Error '0x77073096' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xee0e612c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x990951ba' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x076dc419' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x706af48f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe963a535' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9e6495a3' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x0edb8832' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x79dcb8a4' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe0d5e91e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x97d2d988' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x09b64c2b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7eb17cbd' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe7b82d07' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x90bf1d91' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x1db71064' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6ab020f2' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf3b97148' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x84be41de' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x1adad47d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6ddde4eb' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf4d4b551' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x83d385c7' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x136c9856' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x646ba8c0' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xfd62f97a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8a65c9ec' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x14015c4f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x63066cd9' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xfa0f3d63' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8d080df5' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3b6e20c8' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4c69105e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd56041e4' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa2677172' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3c03e4d1' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4b04d447' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd20d85fd' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa50ab56b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x35b5a8fa' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x42b2986c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xdbbbc9d6' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xacbcf940' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x32d86ce3' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x45df5c75' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xdcd60dcf' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xabd13d59' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x26d930ac' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x51de003a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc8d75180' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xbfd06116' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x21b4f4b5' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x56b3c423' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xcfba9599' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb8bda50f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2802b89e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5f058808' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc60cd9b2' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb10be924' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2f6f7c87' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x58684c11' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc1611dab' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb6662d3d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x76dc4190' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x01db7106' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x98d220bc' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xefd5102a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x71b18589' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x06b6b51f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9fbfe4a5' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe8b8d433' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7807c9a2' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x0f00f934' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9609a88e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe10e9818' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7f6a0dbb' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x086d3d2d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x91646c97' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe6635c01' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6b6b51f4' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x1c6c6162' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x856530d8' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf262004e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6c0695ed' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x1b01a57b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8208f4c1' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf50fc457' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x65b0d9c6' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x12b7e950' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8bbeb8ea' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xfcb9887c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x62dd1ddf' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x15da2d49' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8cd37cf3' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xfbd44c65' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4db26158' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3ab551ce' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa3bc0074' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd4bb30e2' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4adfa541' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3dd895d7' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa4d1c46d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd3d6f4fb' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4369e96a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x346ed9fc' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xad678846' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xda60b8d0' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x44042d73' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x33031de5' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xaa0a4c5f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xdd0d7cc9' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5005713c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x270241aa' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xbe0b1010' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc90c2086' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5768b525' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x206f85b3' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb966d409' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xce61e49f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5edef90e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x29d9c998' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb0d09822' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc7d7a8b4' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x59b33d17' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2eb40d81' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb7bd5c3b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc0ba6cad' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xedb88320' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9abfb3b6' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x03b6e20c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x74b1d29a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xead54739' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9dd277af' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x04db2615' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x73dc1683' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe3630b12' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x94643b84' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x0d6d6a3e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7a6a5aa8' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe40ecf0b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9309ff9d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x0a00ae27' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7d079eb1' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf00f9344' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8708a3d2' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x1e01f268' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6906c2fe' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf762575d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x806567cb' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x196c3671' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6e6b06e7' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xfed41b76' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x89d32be0' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x10da7a5a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x67dd4acc' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf9b9df6f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8ebeeff9' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x17b7be43' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x60b08ed5' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd6d6a3e8' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa1d1937e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x38d8c2c4' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4fdff252' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd1bb67f1' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa6bc5767' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3fb506dd' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x48b2364b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd80d2bda' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xaf0a1b4c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x36034af6' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x41047a60' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xdf60efc3' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa867df55' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x316e8eef' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4669be79' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xcb61b38c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xbc66831a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x256fd2a0' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5268e236' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xcc0c7795' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xbb0b4703' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x220216b9' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5505262f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc5ba3bbe' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb2bd0b28' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2bb45a92' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5cb36a04' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc2d7ffa7' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb5d0cf31' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2cd99e8b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5bdeae1d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9b64c2b0' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xec63f226' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x756aa39c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x026d930a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x9c0906a9' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xeb0e363f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x72076785' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x05005713' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x95bf4a82' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe2b87a14' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7bb12bae' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x0cb61b38' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x92d28e9b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xe5d5be0d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x7cdcefb7' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x0bdbdf21' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x86d3d2d4' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf1d4e242' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x68ddb3f8' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x1fda836e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x81be16cd' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf6b9265b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x6fb077e1' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x18b74777' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x88085ae6' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xff0f6a70' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x66063bca' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x11010b5c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x8f659eff' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xf862ae69' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x616bffd3' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x166ccf45' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa00ae278' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd70dd2ee' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4e048354' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3903b3c2' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa7672661' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd06016f7' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x4969474d' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x3e6e77db' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xaed16a4a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xd9d65adc' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x40df0b66' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x37d83bf0' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xa9bcae53' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xdebb9ec5' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x47b2cf7f' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x30b5ffe9' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xbdbdf21c' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xcabac28a' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x53b39330' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x24b4a3a6' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xbad03605' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xcdd70693' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x54de5729' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x23d967bf' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb3667a2e' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc4614ab8' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5d681b02' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2a6f2b94' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xb40bbe37' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0xc30c8ea1' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x5a05df1b' is a magic number. 59
 Error '0x2d02ef8d' is a magic number. 59
 Error 'for' construct must use '{}'s. 61
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 61
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 61
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 62
 Error '8' is a magic number. 62
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 62
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 62
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 62
 Error '0xff' is a magic number. 62
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 66
 Error Expected an @return tag. 69
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 69
 Error Parameter roleType should be final. 69
 Error Expected @param tag for 'roleType'. 69
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 70
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 71
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 71
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 74
 Error Expected an @return tag. 77
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 77
 Error Parameter pageId should be final. 77
 Error Expected @param tag for 'pageId'. 77
 Error Parameter roleType should be final. 77
 Error Expected @param tag for 'roleType'. 77
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 77
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 78
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 79
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 79
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 82
 Error Expected an @return tag. 85
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). 85
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 85
 Error Parameter pageId should be final. 85
 Error Expected @param tag for 'pageId'. 85
 Error Parameter componentType should be final. 85
 Error Expected @param tag for 'componentType'. 85
 Error Parameter roleType should be final. 85
 Error Expected @param tag for 'roleType'. 85
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 85
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 87
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 87
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 88
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). 89
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 89
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 89
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 94
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 94
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 95
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 96
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 96
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 97
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 148). 98
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 98
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 98
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 98
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 98
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 98
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 98
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 98
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 98


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error Missing file.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 6
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 10
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
 Error Method 'getResourcePattern' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 14
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 15
 Error Method 'setResourcePattern' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 19
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 19
 Error Parameter resourcePattern should be final. 19
 Error 'resourcePattern' hides a field. 19
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 19
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 20
 Error Method 'getRoleId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 24
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 25
 Error Method 'setRoleId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 29
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 29
 Error Parameter roleId should be final. 29
 Error 'roleId' hides a field. 29
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 30
 Error Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 36
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). 37
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 37
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 37


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 6
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 10
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
 Error Method 'getRoleId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 13
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 14
 Error Method 'setRoleId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 18
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 18
 Error Parameter roleId should be final. 18
 Error 'roleId' hides a field. 18
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 18
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 19
 Error Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 23
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 25
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 26
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 26


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 9
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 13
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 16
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 16
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 20
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 20
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 24
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 24


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 13
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 17
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 220). 25
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 25
 Error Parameter username should be final. 25
 Error Parameter password should be final. 25
 Error Parameter enabled should be final. 25
 Error Parameter accountNonExpired should be final. 25
 Error Parameter credentialsNonExpired should be final. 25
 Error Parameter accountNonLocked should be final. 25
 Error Parameter authorities should be final. 25
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 25
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 118). 27
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 27
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 27
 Error Method 'getGlueUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 30
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 32
 Error Method 'setGlueUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 36
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 37
 Error Parameter glueUser should be final. 37
 Error 'glueUser' hides a field. 37
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 37
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 38
 Error Method 'getViewAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 44
 Error Method 'setViewAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 48
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 49
 Error Parameter viewAuthorities should be final. 49
 Error 'viewAuthorities' hides a field. 49
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 49
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 50
 Error Method 'getGlueService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 56
 Error Method 'setGlueService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 60
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 61
 Error Parameter glueService should be final. 61
 Error 'glueService' hides a field. 61
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 61
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 62


Severity Message Line
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 9
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 13
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
 Error Method 'getUserId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 26
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 27
 Error Method 'setUserId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 31
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 31
 Error Parameter userId should be final. 31
 Error 'userId' hides a field. 31
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 31
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 32
 Error Method 'getPassword' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 36
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 37
 Error Method 'setPassword' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 41
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 41
 Error Parameter password should be final. 41
 Error 'password' hides a field. 41
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 41
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 42
 Error Method 'getGroupId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 47
 Error Method 'setGroupId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 51
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 51
 Error Parameter groupId should be final. 51
 Error 'groupId' hides a field. 51
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 51
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 52
 Error Method 'getUserName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 56
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 57
 Error Method 'setUserName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 61
 Error Parameter userName should be final. 61
 Error 'userName' hides a field. 61
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 61
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 62
 Error Method 'getLanguage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 66
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 67
 Error Method 'setLanguage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 71
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 71
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 71
 Error Parameter language should be final. 71
 Error 'language' hides a field. 71
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 71
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 72
 Error Method 'getWorkLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 76
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 76
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 77
 Error Method 'setWorkLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 81
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 81
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 81
 Error Parameter workLocation should be final. 81
 Error 'workLocation' hides a field. 81
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 81
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 82
 Error Method 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 86
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 86
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 87
 Error Method 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 91
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 91
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 91
 Error Parameter enabled should be final. 91
 Error 'enabled' hides a field. 91
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 91
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 92
 Error Method 'getStartActiveDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 96
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 96
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 97
 Error Method 'setStartActiveDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 101
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 101
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 101
 Error Parameter startActiveDate should be final. 101
 Error 'startActiveDate' hides a field. 101
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 101
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 102
 Error Method 'getEndActiveDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 106
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 106
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 107
 Error Method 'setEndActiveDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 111
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 111
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 111
 Error Parameter endActiveDate should be final. 111
 Error 'endActiveDate' hides a field. 111
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 111
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 112
 Error Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 116
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 118
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 218). 119
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 119
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 119


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 8
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 12
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
 Error Method 'getViewId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 20
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 21
 Error Method 'setViewId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 25
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 25
 Error Parameter viewId should be final. 25
 Error 'viewId' hides a field. 25
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 25
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 26
 Error Method 'getPageId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 30
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 31
 Error Method 'setPageId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 35
 Error Parameter pageId should be final. 35
 Error 'pageId' hides a field. 35
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 35
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 36
 Error Method 'getComponentType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 41
 Error Method 'setComponentType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 45
 Error Parameter componentType should be final. 45
 Error 'componentType' hides a field. 45
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 46
 Error Method 'getRoleType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 50
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 51
 Error Method 'setRoleType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 55
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 55
 Error Parameter roleType should be final. 55
 Error 'roleType' hides a field. 55
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 55
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 56
 Error Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 60
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 62
 Error Line is longer than 80 characters (found 125). 63
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 63
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 63


Severity Message Line
 Error File does not end with a newline.
 Error First sentence should end with a period. 6
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 10
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
 Error Method 'getRoleId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 14
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 15
 Error Method 'setRoleId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 19
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 19
 Error Parameter roleId should be final. 19
 Error 'roleId' hides a field. 19
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 19
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 20
 Error Method 'getViewAuthority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 24
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 25
 Error Method 'getViewId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 29
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 30
 Error Method 'setViewId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 34
 Error Parameter viewId should be final. 34
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 34
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 35
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 36
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 36
 Error Method 'getPageId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 39
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 40
 Error Method 'setPageId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 44
 Error Parameter pageId should be final. 44
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 44
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 45
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 46
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 46
 Error Method 'getComponentType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 50
 Error Method 'setComponentType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 54
 Error Parameter componentType should be final. 54
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 54
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 55
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 56
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 56
 Error Method 'getRoleType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 59
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 60
 Error Method 'setRoleType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
 Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 64
 Error Parameter roleType should be final. 64
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 64
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 65
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 66
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 66
 Error Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
 Error '{' should be on the previous line. 71
 Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 72
 Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 72